LDAPS Authentication Observium
Is there a log file in Observium for me to troubleshoot when I log in via LDAP? I want to verify the LDAP details I've keyed in my config.php is correct as I am still unable to log in via LDAP as per Tony's advice on LDAPS. Please advise if I am missing out any additional steps / packages required to as I am still relatively new to configuring LDAP / LDAPS for Observium.
Attached are some information I configured so far:
1. Config.php
1. /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
1. Certificate Information (Configured via Windows LDAP Server)
1. Already configured LDAPS on Windows LDAP Server (If require more screenshots to show what settings I've configured, I can provide) 2. Made changes to /opt/observium/config.php accordingly as shown in 1st screenshot 3. Made changes to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf accordingly as shown in 2nd screenshot 4. Did ldapquery sucessfully before configuring LDAPS to ensure Ubuntu host can query to Windows LDAP server.
Best Regards Valerie Lim
participants (1)
Valerie Lim